søndag den 10. januar 2010

Den tredje ting

Her kommer så ting nummer tre..
Som beskrevet tidligere var jeg til Georg Mohr prøve, og derfor var jeg fritaget for den normale undervisning. Det betød at jeg ikke fik lov til at læse mit digt op i engelsk. Ikke, at jeg virkelig savner at fremvise mine lektier, men jeg er bare blevet godt tilfreds med digtet, og så er det ærgeligt, at det ikke skal bruges alligevel.
Så det bliver bare brugt her.

A Christmas Poem
A Wednesday, a day filled with magic and wonder
A day where I will sit and do nothing but ponder
It is indeed the day before Christmas Eve
And a year since I were given the heave
Early in the morning, before the rooster has made his crow
Sitting in front of is my dear friend from bellow
The one who eats for two when we have to scrimp
It is my loving boy Tim, that bellowing imp
He talks about this and he talks about that
Not noticing that I am not in the mood for a chat
Then he asks me that dreadfull question 
"What am i getting tomorrow? Please let it be a play-station"
For everything that is good and kind in this world
Why is my memory allways so rusty and swirled
Yet here comes an idea and I fly out the door
The last thing I hear when I leave is his little roar
I find the dungeon that holds the grand treasure
Oh, my body becomess filled with pleasure
I enter the cave and before me rises a mighty dragon
20 feet tall, with a mouth big enough to swallow a wagon
It is not long before I spy her golden eggs
It is right there, it is right between her legs
She put the life of her young ones higher than her own
What a fool, that is how I will make her overthrown
I grab my sword and take a firm grip on my shield
She lets out a firery shriek, I yell "I will not to thy fire yield"
She screams as I let my fatal blows upon her fall 
When done I have nothing left to do but to heed her call
I answer her "Right on the money, an' keep the change"
Quickly I run out of the store, now with a present within range
Into the appartment I sneak, trying not to be seen 
Then I hear the beast saying "Where have you been?"
I tell him that I just needed to buy my smokes 
Hoping and praying that he will fall for my hoax
Then he asks me the question that hits me like a wet pair of socks
"What am i getting tomorrow? Please let it be an Xbox"

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